Male AdaptorErkek Adaptör Female AdaptorDişi Adaptör Coupling Equal Tee Equal Elbow End Cap Reduced Union Reduced Tee Female Elbow Male Elbow Female Tee Male Tee Reduced Elbow Female Tee Double Exit Wall Plate Elbow Additional Coupling For Watering hoses Metal Female AdaptorMetal Dişi Adaptör Metal Male AdaptorMetal Erkek Adaptör Female Adaptor With Metal RingYüzüklü Dişi Adaptör Flanged Adaptor Steel Quick Coupling Opener Compression Valve PP Equal Valve PP Female Valve PP Valve With Plastic Ball PP Compression Male-Female Connecting Valve PP Valve With Metal Ball PVC Connecting Valve Clamp Saddle Clamp Saddle Double Ended Clamp Saddle Slided Clamp Saddle Double Ended Slided Clamp Saddle With Original Metal Plastic Female Elbow Plastic Male Elbow Plastic Female Tee Plastic Male Tee Nipple Plastic Reduced Union Plastic End Cap Check Valf Hose Adaptor Plastic Male - Female - Male Tee Mini Pipo Elbow Hose Adaptor Hose Connector PP Slide CouplingPE ve PP Borular İçin PVC Slide CouplingPvc Borular İçin Hose Connector Plastic Pipe Sharpener Metal Adaptor Key Aluminum Adaptor Key Plastic Adaptor Key Valve Box Flax Fiber 1. Sınıf Kalite Seal Tape Insulation Anchors Metal Insulation Anchors 1. Sınıf Kalite Water Meter And Filter Stick Male - Female Cross Tee Male - Female Tee1. Sınıf Kalite Male - Female Elbow Male - Female Nipple Male - Female End Cap1. Sınıf Kalite